Case Study: When to perform a manual clean

Background information

This analyzer was installed in a drinking water application using free chlorine chemistry. The customer noticed that the analyzer signal was consistently lower than their reference measurements. According to USEPA 334.0, their analyzer signal had to be within ± 0.1 ppm of their reference measurements to stay in compliance. After using Cloud Connect® to view and analyze the data, Kuntze Trial Managers instructed the customer to perform a manual clean of their Zirkon® DIS probe.


Before the manual clean, the analyzer signal (blue) was lower than the reference measurements (green circles). On Day 10, the customer removed their Zirkon® DIS probe, manually cleaned it using a granular detergent, and reinstalled it without performing a calibration. After the manual clean was performed, the analyzer signal matched the reference measurements. This recommendation could not have been made without using Cloud Connect® to visualize the data.