
A SIDEM VEOLIA utiliza o Kuntze Krypton® DIS Total para melhorar a proteção das membranas e a eficiência operacional no projeto SWRO de Umm Al Quwain, a maior estação de dessalinização dos EAU

A SIDEM VEOLIA, parte do Grupo Veolia, opera a maior usina de dessalinização de água do mar dos Emirados Árabes Unidos, em Umm Al Quwain. A usina enfrentou um desafio crítico: o cloro, essencial para o pré-tratamento, representava um risco para as sensíveis membranas de OR, causando danos e aumentando os custos de manutenção. Os métodos de medição tradicionais tinham dificuldades com a precisão no ambiente de água do mar de alta salinidade.

A solução veio com o sistema Kuntze Krypton® DIS Total, que fornece monitoramento de cloro em tempo real, preciso e sem reagentes. Essa tecnologia avançada evita danos à membrana, aumenta a eficiência operacional e reduz as necessidades de manutenção, garantindo a conformidade com as normas e apoiando a sustentabilidade e o desempenho de longo prazo da fábrica.

Informações do Cloud Connect®

Uma pequena estação de tratamento de água potável utiliza águas subterrâneas e superficiais como água bruta em seu processo de tratamento. O analisador da Hach Cl17 não performou neste ambiente devido às rápidas mudanças nas concentrações de desinfetante e ao manganês pesado, criando falsos positivos na medição. Enquanto isso, usar um sensor de membrana seria muito caro para a planta devido. A solução da Kuntze eliminou a necessidade de tamponar o pH e de altos custos de consumíveis e reagentes utilizados nas tecnologias concorrentes. Além disso, o Cloud Connect® foi capaz de otimizar os processos do cliente e fornecer uma solução de conformidade real, economizando tempo e dinheiro para a estação de tratamento de água.

Kuntze's automated, reliable and accurate analysis systems give multinational pork producer COEXCA S.A. a lot of stability in measuring feed water quality in its production processes

COEXCA S.A. is Chile’s second largest pork meat production and processing company. A critical factor is the quality of the feed water, which is highly dependent on the level of free chlorine in the water. To measure this threshold, COEXCA previously used a system that was not precise enough and required a lot of maintenance and calibration.

The water purification company Voens S.p.A. utilizes Kuntze's state-of-the-art analysis systems for measuring water quality in a production center high up in the Chilean mountains.

Voens S.p.A. is a company headquartered in Santiago, Chile that provides water conditioning equipment and water purification systems. As such, in all of their production processes the amount of free chlorine in the water must be strictly between 0.3 and 0.5 parts-per million (ppm). For measuring this threshold level, the company previously made use of mechanically cleaned sensors.

Kuntze technology helps food processing plant in Nebraska to resolve QM issues and to save 650,000 gallons of water/year

A pet food processing plant uses Hydroflex cooling tunnels, which have 3 washing and rinsing zones with a tank capacity of about 2,000 gallons. The plant was using an amperometric online analyzer to control and to monitor the residual of two biocides. Due to the high organic contamination of the cooling water, the sensor of the competitor analyzer fouled quickly, causing drifting and residual control issues.

Drinking water treatment in Canada: Automatic Sensor Cleaning (ASR®) in ground water

A Canadian drinking water facility experienced heavy, naturally occurring iron and manganese concentrations in their ground water source.

A common water quality characteristic found across many water treatment markets. Months after initial install, heavy compounds removed due to Kuntze patented ASR® technology.

Automatic Sensor Cleaning (ASR®)

This analyzer was installed in a drinking water application sourced from ground water using free chlorine chemistry.
The ground water source contained high amounts of iron and manganese, which fouled the probe. The operators in charge of the equipment found themselves frequently manually cleaning the probe. After using Cloud Connect® to view and analyze the data, Kuntze Trial Managers instructed the customer to increase the Automatic Sensor Cleaning frequency to one cleaning per day.

Os analisadores da Kuntze economizam US$ 16.350,00 em despesas de operação por ano em um sistema de água potável de Alberta, Canadá

Um sistema público de água potável (DWS) localizado em Alberta opera duas estações de tratamento de água potável de nível 2, uma estação de tratamento de água potável de nível 3 e três sistemas de armazenamento de água potável. Foram usados um sensor amperométrico coberto por membrana e um sensor colorimétrico, ambos on-line, para controlar e monitorar os níveis residuais de cloro livre em seus sistemas de água potável. Enquanto ambos os analisadores foram capazes de permanecer na faixa alvo de residual, o sistema Krypton® Multi teve, em média, menos desvios das medições de referência, fornecendo leituras mais precisas.

Case Study: When to perform a manual clean

This analyzer was installed in a drinking water application using free chlorine chemistry. The customer noticed that the analyzer signal was consistently lower than their reference measurements. According to USEPA 334.0, their analyzer signal had to be within ± 0.1 ppm of their reference measurements to stay in compliance. After using Cloud Connect® to view and analyze the data, Kuntze Trial Managers instructed the customer to perform a manual clean of their Zirkon® DIS probe.

This recommendation could not have been made without using Cloud Connect® to visualize the data.

Duncan Family Farms® é a primeira a instalar sistema inovador de tratamento de água de irrigação

A Duncan Family Farms®, uma produtora familiar, anunciou hoje a instalação de um sistema de tratamento altamente eficaz, controlável e portátil para água de irrigação. A instalação, incluindo cinco sistemas em culturas de folhas orgânicas no Oregon, representa o primeiro uso no segmento agrícola de sistemas de tratamento de água da Kuntze Instruments da Alemanha. “Estávamos procurando a melhor solução para atender com segurança aos requisitos de saneamento da Leafy Greens Marketing Association (LGMA) recentemente adotados para água de irrigação, e a Kuntze apresentou uma tecnologia impressionante que poderia impactar positivamente nossas operações em crescimento e toda a indústria de produtos frescos,” disse Jeremy Vanderzyl, Diretor de Serviços Técnicos.

Industry Case Study: Cooling Tower Application

This analyzer was installed on a cooling tower using free chlorine and activated bromine chemistry.
The operators noticed that they were having a hard time meeting their minimum target oxidant residual. Around the same time, the operators also noticed a large drop in their ORP measurement. Using Cloud Connect® and input from the tower operators, the Kuntze support team looked further into the issue

With the Cloud Connect® service, Kuntze has created a solution that enables central administration and sensor analysis. The Kuntze measuring devices communicate with each other via a bus system and send data to a secure cloud storage using the Kuntze Cloud Connect® gateway, either via 4G or local internet connection.

Regional Water District - 105 Operator Hours Per Year in Cowichan Valley

The Cowichan Valley Regional Water District operates 17 surface and ground water systems and 2 reclaimed wastewater treatment plants. The district previously used 7 membrane analyzers from Severn Trent Services Capital Control® to monitor the free chlorine residuals in the storage tanks and at the end of the drinking water discharge lines. The analyzers experienced drift due to the challenging water conditions and required at least one calibration per month.In order to improve measurements and to reduce preventative maintenance, ClearTech suggested the installation of the Kuntze Krypton® Multi analyzers to monitor the free chlorine residuals.  The district liked especially Kuntze’s Automatic Sensor Cleaning technology (ASR®), which automatically runs up to once per day preventing the sensor from fouling.

Novel Bare Amperometric Sensors to Provide Accurate Stabilized Bromine Dosing in Cooling Towers

Through this case study, we hope to demonstrate the viability and utility of bare amperometric sensors for measuring stabilized bromine concentration in industrial cooling towers.

To demonstrate that bare amperometric sensors could accurately measure stabilized bromine products, we installed a sensor in a 200-ton cooling tower at an industrial plant in the suburbs of Chicago. The cooling tower for this case study is timer-fed, meaning a highly concentrated solution of biocide is introduced at the beginning of the tower’s operation cycle and is consumed as the tower runs. For the second phase of the study, we established control using a chemical dosing pump that is directly informed by the bare amperometric sensor signal.

Innovative Kuntze analyzer resolves disinfectant feed control challenges in a northwest ground drinking water system

A public ground drinking water system (DWS) located in the Pacific Northwest serves about 15,387 connections. The DWS treats the spring water with chlorine gas and for the seasonal-operated wells either liquid or solid chlorine systems are used.

The Kuntze Krypton® Multi System reliably controls the disinfectant residue so that DWS can continue to use Correct Equipment’s preferred chlorine tablet system.

The Chilean Multinational Celulosa Arauco y Constitución S.A. automates water quality measurements while producing pulp with state-of-the-art Kuntze analysis systems

Celulosa Arauco y Constitución S.A. is a global company headquartered in Santiago, Chile that develops quality products based on renewable forest resources such as pulp, coated boards or moldings. For all its production processes, the amount of free chlorine in the production water must be strictly between 0.8 to 1.2 parts-per million (ppm). For measuring this threshold level, the company previously made use of mechanically cleaned sensor, which was not sufficient and required frequent manual cleaning and calibration.

For more efficient and precise measurement of water quality, the Chilean Kuntze partner “Analitiks SpA.”, installed a Krypton® Multi multi-channel water monitoring system for the measurement and control of free chlorine and pH at Celulosa Arauco y Constitución S.A. In doing so, our partner was able to solve our client’s challenges with great success.